Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Z  IS FOR...ZIP, ZIPPED, ZIPPING along on my scooter!
Guess what I got for Christmas!  A scooter!  It was a very unexpected gift from a very unexpected place.  I have been talking about getting one for a while, but neither my husband nor my doctor were too keen on the idea.  They all think I will use it when I should be walking.  But I won't.  I want it so that I can go to things like the San Diego Cat Show or the Home and Garden Show.  But with my fibromyalgia I can't walk for longer than half an hour, so I'm missing all the fun things I would like to do.  It means I can even roam the mall. It broadens my horizons, in other words.  Of course all the family wanted a go, so out we went into the circle about 9:00 o'clock Christmas Night and gave our neighbors a display.

Here's Glyn playing on my new 'toy'. Of course everyone had to have a try.  When we were last in Bridlington, a good few years back, I was amazed at how many women were zipping in and out and around the crowds of shoppers on a scooter.  In fact some of them were down right dangerous!  But if they can do it, so can I.

Do you remember when ziploc bags were new?  It's not too long ago.  I think they are one of the better things modern life has brought to us.

I often make myself a fruit smoothy from fresh frozen fruit -- pineapple, strawberries, mango, peaches and blueberries.  I put them in the blender and press liquify.  Mmm,mmm good!  Almost as good is the fact that all these fruits come with a ziploc top.  Very handy! Just tear off the top and unzip then zip it up again for the next time.

 I began thinking about the old ad they used to show on TV of someone holding up a ziploc bag full of some kind of brightly staining juice -- probably blueberries.  It was held upside down over a beautiful white sweater.  Would it leak or not?  Of course it never did leak on the TV. Since this is Z day and I have chosen zip and Ziploc as my words, I decided to test it -- but not over my white sweater or with blueberry juice !

As you can see, it held very well.  I grabbed the lid to put on the counter top (sorry it is messy I was pressed for time and only had one hand,) to show that the bag is indeed hanging up in the air and not a drop of water leaked out.  Next time I might be brave enough to do the experiment with juice and a sweater!

Well here we are folks, at the end of another round of ABC Wednesday.  Why don't you ZIP over to Mrs. Nesbitt's Blog (found HERE) and join us for another spectacular round? 



Roger Owen Green said...

I'm a big fan of expanding one's horizons, so GOOD for you!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

Lucky you..... I want a ride!!!

Loved all your Z's. You ending this round in a wonderful way!

Zippity do dah!!!!

photowannabe said...

Oh good for you Chris. That little scooter will make a huge difference in your life. Now you can do the things you have been missing.
I agree that Ziplock Bags are a terrific invention. I use them all the time.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Morning's Minion said...

Walking outside [in moderation] is one of the things I find helpful with fibromyalgia. Riding in the car or truck any distance is a killer for me. I was commiserating today with a younger woman who has FM--I can only be thankful that I was still very active at her age, although in retrospect I can see that the disorder had settled in unrecognized.
I'm glad you have the scooter to make more outings possible. I think you need to devise a basket for it to carry your handbag and shopping!

Meryl said...

I am looking forward to reading and seeing all the new things you'll be exploring as you zip around town!

Kim, USA said...

Love love your dried mango too. And that scooter is awesome!

ABC Wednesday

Diane said...

Let us know how you go on. x

claude said...

Excellent Xmas gift, Chris ! This is a nice toy.
I love your imagination to illustrate each letter of alphabet.
I do not remember if I wished you a very Happy New Year.

snafu said...

What a useful gift. We have a similar problem with the son in law who has difficulty walking far and feels left out if he has to sit whilst everyone else is able to keep going. Now you can keep up with all the rest of the family.

J.Rylie.C said...

Cute scooter.

Zing is it for me. Hope you can visit and see. Have a nice day!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Must be fun to ride in your cute scooter.

Zodiac is one of my entries. Come see it when you get a chance. Thanks!

Lisa said...

Looks like you have some competition for your scooter! I think it's a great idea and you probably won't abuse the convenience too badly. Just don't run down anyone at the mall. Security frowns on that. ;-)

Quiltingranny said...

So agree with you Chris, Fibromyalgia makes walking a pain in the...well, feet, back, knees, legs, hips! Congrats on the scooter

Tumblewords: said...

Super scooter! Zipping around is a good thing...and it never occurred to me to check Ziplock bags. I just took them at their word and assumed the didn't leak. I'll be surprised when/if one does. ;) Happy zipping!

kaybee said...

Z is also for the hardest letter in Scrabble to place on the board!

I wish I was a cartoonist - I could do a lot with you and your scooter!!

Ingrid said...

That's a wonderful and useful gift ! Now you can "scooter" around, lol !

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful means of transport! I haven't seen them over here yet. The ziplock bags are very popular in Australia too.Great Z words, Chris! Have a great weekend!

Rarelesserspotted said...

You always know you've made it when you get a scooter!

MorningAJ said...

That scooter looks fun!

Jose said...

Ja ja I'll ride on my Harley and you on your scooter in staggered formation. Don't forget the leathers and helmet.

How awesome that you got a scooter, enjoy it!

Unknown said...

I Want one a scooter that is, that way there I could save the cost of gas for my car when I go zooming up the street over to the store when I shop for food...I wonder if one could attach a wagon to the end of those things anyways.

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh Chris - bikerbabe eh? Well next time you come to UK you must join in with one of our bike hikes - you look the part! You need a helmet (lid as bikers call them) and some protective clothing - I will sort you some out honeybunch! lol!
Denise xx

Chronicles of Illusions said...

A great finishing post for this round and the letter Z;

Elizabeth said...

Oh Chris, that scooter is such a good idea. I get so frustrated when I get left out of trips sometimes, so I know how much these things can add to life. Love to you and B. x

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