Tuesday, May 22, 2012

S IS FOR....


You can see him here in the outline of the mountains on Kauai.  Let's just let him sleep shall we?  He often gets wet with all the rain that falls up there and some people hike right up to him, but not me.  I like my giants left in peace.

S is also for SISTER

She will go with us when next we visit the Sleeping Giant, but that's quite few months away yet.  Some people think we look very much alike, but I'm not sure.This is the best picture of me in a side view with which to compare.

S is also for SCRUFFY
Of course it is, you didn't think I would let an opportunity like this pass without posting him on here, did you?

He is my pride and joy!  Such a sweet cat!

For more presentations of the letter  'S' visit ABC Wednesday by clicking on this LINK


Wanda said...

You and your sister do favor. The older me and my sis get, the more we look alike.

I think Scruffy is so adorable, and you could use one more S, Chris...Softy..for you, and your precious love for your cat.

photowannabe said...

I agree, there is definitely a resemblance.
Scruffy Seems So Settled.

jill said...

OOhh lovely xx

Jane and Chris said...

Oh,yes...you do look alike.
Scruffy is as adorable as ever!
Jane x

VioletSky said...

I can't always see these 'sleeping giants', etc but this one is very clear!

Ann said...

The outline is very neat, don't think I've ever seen this. And I know I wouldn't make it to the top.

kaybee said...

As you know, I'm more inclined to give Scruffy a wide berth than the sleeping giant, and, as for sisters - not sure who should be the most flattered, if we really do look alike!

Roger Owen Green said...

yup, a definite family resemblance.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

Scruffy looks like he's asking why you're disturbing him! lol Yes, I can see a family resemblance.

abcw team

Hildred said...

Very inquiring eyes, and yes, a sweet cat. And a nice resemblance between you and your sister.

snafu said...

Sleeping Scenery, Similar Sisters and a Soft cat called Scruffy. Good S post.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Scruffy is very cute!

S is for..
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Following your blog now Chris

Black Jack's Carol said...

I concur with the others who see a family resemblance. Sisters are truly Special and I adore Scruffy. You say you like to leave sleeping giants in peace, but you also say you will visit this one with your sister in a few months. I am curious about that :)

ChrisJ said...

Black Jack's Carol: ...From a distance, Carol. From a distance!

claude said...

Hello Chris !
In Martinique Island there is a set of mountains named "la femme couchée". The lying down woman.
When we loot at it from away, you can see a profile, the head, the neck and the breast.
Scruffy is a very beautiful cat.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we have a sleeping giant too in Borneo, she is waiting for her husband to come back.

jane said...

Love Scruffy - and the sleeping giant we have something similar a sleeping angel - which can be found on Carningli in North Pembrokeshire UK - this area provided the subject matter for local author Brian John and his Angel Mountain Saga Books - a very good read- Jane

Carver said...

Great choices for S. The sleeping giant looks very beautiful. Also good seeing you and your sister and scruffy. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

Ingrid said...

I can here him snoring until here !
Scruffy is a little beauty !

Lisa said...

Ahhh, Scruffy is so adorable! I love gray kitties.