Thursday, July 11, 2013


Our topic for Creative Tuesday this session is  SHIPS.

I took a different twist on this topic for my first entry:

The camel is often known as the Ship of the Desert.  I have been thinking about drawing a camel for a while.  I like drawing animals and haven't drawn a camel before so this was my motivation.

By contrast, I have drawn many ships before, but I found a photograph among "My Pictures" on our computer.  It was of a mosaic of a very good-looking ship.  I think my husband took the photo when he was in Australia a few years ago.

This is the original photo:

This is my interpretation or copy of the photo:

As you can see, my drawing is very traditional and usually copied from a photograph or another picture.  But my copying is done by eye -- I don't trace or use anything mechanical or technical.

As for using something technical, I will try this week to post my blog correctly on Creative Tuesday.  I'm so sorry for the past mistakes in linking.  I have asked Wanda of 'Got a Minute or Two' to give me some help.  So here goes...

Please click HERE to see what other participants have done for Creative Tuesday.


snafu said...

I like both your ships, the first one is realistically hairy and the second one I think is an improvement over the mosaic. You have increased the detail which is very clever.

Christine said...

beautiful interpretations of the theme! The camel one is surprising, good thought there!

Wanda said...

Excellent, Chris The ship of the desert is a great way to share the theme. I love have a different approach. The ship that you do with your eye is magnificent. I do more tracing and transferring that than free hand. You have a great talent for this.

Rajesh said...

This is beautiful and creative.

Mara said...

I love your camel. Although in Dutch that would not be a camel. A camel has two humps, it's a dromedary that only has one! But that's Dutch. And I still love your camel (or dromedary, or ship).

TwinkleToes2day said...

Popping in from Creative Tuesdays - As your newest follower, I love your camel ship and your interpretation of the mosaic ship. I think it is wonderful. I look forward to taking time to look around your blog and getting to know more about your art :D Mo

Patty said...

Very nice camel and I like your ship better then the photograph. Try this spot for Abe's blog, at the top i think it will list others, he's always changing his and making new ones, even I can't keep up.

jennyfreckles said...

I dreads to think what I'd produce if asked to draw a camel, but yours looks very accurate.

sandy said...

Great job Chris.

I have never traced - always have done free hand.

Alicia C said...

wow, I love the idea of a ship of the sea! I got to be on a camel once. Your other ship is lovely and looks very active.

Michael said...

Aw, well thaks for trying to get the linking done right! I 'm sure Wanda will help you, no worries. :) Anyway, I had to laugh seeing the camel--def not an obvious interpretation but then I saw your ship copy too which, btw, I like better than the oringal mosaic, so there! Fun. Great job. Thank you for joining in!