Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Y IS FOR .......

Y  is for....
Yes this is a cop-out! Sorry, but the heat and humidity are too much for my brain which is melting. Trying not to put the A/C on as we will probably need it more in August and we're still figuring out cost of living in a place with an HOA.

Speaking of YUCK we and our neighbors are being visited by a couple of skunks! Coyotes are still leaving their footprints.  But Orioles are also visiting and the plants and bushes are recovering from some of their neglect.  Still LOVE the house.

Prayers for the families and friends of the 19 firefighters who lost their lives in the Phoenix area.  So tragic -- what's a little humidity compared to that?

Everyone keep dry, cool and safe.

I've already got my Z for next week.  

Please click HERE to visit ABC WEDNESDAY and to read the entries of those who did not Yield to the temptation to give up during this round.  Roger and Denise deserve something  YUMMY for their dedication to this meme!


Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, the country is having yucky weather. Too much rain on the eastern half, too hot and dry in the west.


Leslie: said...

We've had some prettY YuckY weather latelY too...hotter than well You know where! We don't have A/C as it doesn't usuallY get so hot and I'm sure hoping that it doesn't get worse than this!

abcw team

photowannabe said...

We are definitely having YUCKY weather here in the greater Sacramento area. Suppose to be 110F tomorrow.
I will hate to see our electric bill.
I think that skunks are kind of yucky too.
The death of all of those valiant men
is just horrendous.

Ann said...

Sorry for your yucky humidity and heat. Hopefully it levels out soon. Usually our July is yucky but this year we have been blessed with nice days and cool nights. Have a great holiday.

Reader Wil said...

Well we have the opposite kind of weather. During day time
I wear two warm things on top ofveach other and in the evening I turn on the heating for an hour or so. Yesterday was sunny and today it's raining again.
We also heard about the 19 firefighters. How awful.
Wil, ABCW Team

snafu said...

Being too hot is sapping and turns the brain to yuk. I hope it cools a bit soon or at least gets less humid for you.

jabblog said...

I don't envy you your heat and humidity. I hope there will be some relief for you soon.

Wanda said...

Not a Yucky post at all, Chris, but very real. Since we were gone the month of June, and just getting back into routine. I'm waiting for the next round of ABC and starting fresh with "A".

Nonnie said...

yucky is a perfectly legitimate word for 'y'! :)
what a glorious header on your page! first time here. sounds like we are close in age, I was an elementary teacher. been retired for 8 years; those years have flown by!
thanks for visiting my blog!

Ingrid said...

And we have to put the heating on and are getting flippers growing on our feet because of all this rain !

Carver said...

The heat and humidity of yucky here too.

claude said...

Can You send me Heat a little bit, just heat but not HumiditY
I love tour creative tuesday.