From Thanksgiving to Christmas I didn't do any art at all. Just couldn't get into it at all. Now, for the last four weeks I can't stop! These below are what I have been working on. The shepherd one I really liked in the original but it was much harder to do than I anticipated. I think I should have blurred the sky a little with a light eraser or my finger, then it wouldn't look so scribbly.

I am in the middle of doing a picture of a quaint village in North Wales, but it will be a little larger than what I have been doing. This one is 5" x 7". It is very detailed, but is coming along well. I may finish it over the weekend. So far it has taken me about 12 hours of work.
By the way, for those of you who may be wondering, Bailey is coming along well on his diet. The vet was thrilled and told me that he has lost the equivalent of 30 pounds in human weight! I must admit he looks a bit sleeker -- rather handsome in fact! But I won't bore you with yet more photos.
When does the Mrs. Jones Art School open for business? I have two kids I'd be willing to drop off M-F 9-5 during the summer :)
I some times wish I could draw...
PS Thank you for the peasant comment!
Awesome art, Chris! I LOVE the oneof the shepherd, and especially his sheep-dog. You really captured his friskiness!
Keep drawing! The sheep dog reminds me of our dog named Skip - they are full of life for sure. Looking forward to more......
I wish I could get interested in drawing with colored pencils again. I spent a lot of time doing that. You work is very nice too.
Nice drwing, Chris !
Happy to read Bailey if fine.
Yesteday I met the president of the Toursit Office and I talked her about your drawing "the prison door" She has the same idea the me. Her wants your drawing to hang it on a wall of the office. I will print it this afternoon. Your will be famous in your town !
Me again !
I just had a good idea
I put a special link about your drawing
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