Not that JoEllen is an oddment! It's OK. She has a great sense of humor and would understand my title completely! JoEllen is probably my 'bestest' friend! She and I worked together at Victory Christian High School for quite a few years. I often called her 'my partner in crime'. Believe me, working with teenagers, you really do need a good sense of humor and a strong sense of calling! Then she deserted me and went to live in Ohio. But every now and then she comes back to visit family in Carlsbad.
Here is the Humvee she drives when she is here. She left her own, a bright yellow one, back in Ohio. I thought Jose would enjoy seeing this. Though a grandmother, she still goes 'off-roading' with her son in this vehicle.
If you look hard enough you can just see JoEllen peeking through the driver's window. She is smaller than I am, so you can barely see her. When she drives away it looks and sounds like a tank!Then, this is bird feeding time in our back yard. As soon as the seed is scattered the birds dive down about 25 at a time -- and what a racket they make while waiting their turn!!
These are mostly house finches, house sparrows, song sparrows, towhees, and a few gold finches and ayellow warbler (Zorro). The mourning doves are also multiplying rapidly. We must have the fattest bird population in the neighborhood.Special prayer reminder: for Wanda of "Brush strokes from the Heart" -- my blogging mentor.
No time this morning. I will come back later.
I have yet to ride or better yet drive one of those things. They are pretty awesome looking although I couldn't afford the gas they eat.
How fun that she still enjoys off roading, one should never be too old to do the things we like.
And yes, Wanda is in my thoughts and prayers, she'll be alright.
What a cool lady and car!!!
But the pictures of the birds in the trees took my breath away!!
Awesome.....just stunning!!!!!
You are such a sweetheart ~~~ I just noticed my name at the end of your post as a prayer reminder!
You are so special, girlfriend!!!
I think I would have a blast with JoEllen! Sounds like my kind of lady!
Nice car ! I can see some bird in my backyard but not so many. My plamtree suffered a lot of our cold winter. Snif ! snif !
Fun post and look at those birds! I love your reminder about prayers for Wanda.
That's some vehicle. I can't imagine the cost to fill it with gas.
The birds in my photo are english sparrows.
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