Barry and I were married in Goole, Yorkshire.
Sorry it couldn't have been Flamborough, but my family had moved and travel restrictions meant a compromise. Better that than no wedding! Sadly, the little Methodist church is no longer there.
(If you click on the black and white photo above, you can see what we looked like all those years ago)
Sorry it couldn't have been Flamborough, but my family had moved and travel restrictions meant a compromise. Better that than no wedding! Sadly, the little Methodist church is no longer there.
(If you click on the black and white photo above, you can see what we looked like all those years ago)

Total commitment to the marriage, to each other and our Lord Jesus Christ -- and a healthy sense of humor doesn't hurt either!
( We chose to have the flowers there last Sunday rather than this Sunday, which is closer to the actual date, because a dear friend is celebrating her 100th birthday on that day)
( We chose to have the flowers there last Sunday rather than this Sunday, which is closer to the actual date, because a dear friend is celebrating her 100th birthday on that day)
ADDED LATER: If you're really interested you can see a little more of my wedding on my sister's blog CLICK HERE A Patchwork Quilt Made by Design.
Congratulations to you on your 50th wedding anniversary! You both look great and yes, I think I see a little smile on your face. Ha! Ha!
By the way, did you have an earthquake drill today? Because of all the activity in the ring of fire, they said that CA is getting ready for the big one. I sure hope it never comes.
Thank you for sharing this very special milestone in your lives together. Marriage does indeed take committment and determination through some of the rougher times.
Your photos are so appealing.
Oh Chris, what an awesome milestone, so I was just two days shy of being a month old and you were getting married. Not tomorrow but next Saturday it will be 28 years for mi chica and I. Have a very happy anniversary dear friend.
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary!
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSATY to you and Barry, Chris ! Have a nice day !
Heartfelt congratulations to both of you!!! 50 years are no mean feat these days - may all the next 50 equally nice:
50 years?? That's SO great! Congratulations!!
I popped over to your sisters blog and looked at the photos too. Gave me a smile! That must have been quite the thing...marriage and then immigrating immediately afterwards!
Just wanted to add my congratulations again -- a great achievement, and a great example of faithfulness,in these days!
Oh beautiful flowers!!!!! Glad you had a good celebration and congratulations from us
Congratulations Chris.... What a wonderful picture of you and MOTH. The roses are favorite is yellow.
As Jose said...what a milestone. We are a couple of years behind you!!
Love and Hugs
How wonderful....Congratulations!!!
continued blessings to you both.
loved all the pictures!
Wow, wonderful pic of you two and gorgeous flowers. Fifty years is such a big deal!!! Congrats big time by me. We're going on 38.
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