We woke up Thanksgiving Day morning to the sound of torrential rain, but by mid morning it was all over. Later we discovered that our area had had six inches of rain overnight and a flash flood warning. It certainly wasn't any problem to us, but Kauai is known for its large amounts of rain. It was still a bit breezy because the trade winds have been blowing since we arrived. Anyway we gathered ourselves together and mosied off down to Gaylord's Plantation. This is a large area of gardens, grass, a museum, some art galleries and gift shops. More importantly, it has a great restaurant. This is now our third year of having Thanksgiving Dinner there. Lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing and savory gravy!! Look at that plateful! I am sorry to say I could only eat half of it! Dessert was pumpkin crumble but I passed on that -- not too fond of pumpkin. But I took home a slice of chocolate lover's delight. That way I could appreciate it when I ate it later.
The dining area is on a u-shaped covered patio with flowering bushes all around, a nice sized lawn in the center and a small wall with more flowering bushes and a small waterfall and a lily pond, across the top of the 'u'. If the wind blows too hard or it starts to rain, they have canvas blinds with windows in them to pull down for your protection. We did not need the blinds. It was beautifully warm.
After we had eaten we looked around the art galleries and gift shops and then went to find our friendly cat who for the past two years has always been sleeping on the warm steps in the sunshine, the same place every year. Sure enough she was there again. Her name is April. I took a couple of photos to go with those from other years. I am going to try to attempt to up load them on blogger, but since my lap top now refuses to resize any more photos until we buy microsoft word with picture manager, I might not be successful. So here goes...

That took seven minutes. Now for one more...
Another seven minutes!
I have two more photos I would like to post today:
This is the view from our balcony. (Took about two minutes to upload because it is a smaller file size. I have no idea why it is any different from the size of the others.) Oh well...
This is what we do many days on the balcony...
Moth is writing an article for the next issue of the WECF magazine or preparing lessons for classes in Micronesia in January, and I do some painting. I have completed three and a half ATC's and have one more half done.
Well, I won't push my luck trying to post more photos today and will try to post another blog on Monday.
Hope you didn't spend all your money on the sales! Have a good weekend!
It's lovely to keep updated on your vacation like this -- almost feel like I am there! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, that dinner sure looks delicious. I think you are living the 'life of Riley' down there. Love your kitty photos.
I am assuming you don't have access to email - have some really interesting news for you that I'll save for when you are back home!
How nice, you got rain and I still have summer here in Arizona. Looks like you are having such a great time and the pictures make me want to be there. Since I can't afford the trip I'll just keep soaking in your images. Our Thanksgiving was great, I hope yours was too.
sent your info re plantation to a friend in Ontario who is heading to Kuaui in February - was wondering what she would do there as she is not a beach or heat person - this should encourage her - glad you are having a great time even if moth is working
Hi Chris, I am glad to hear that you are having a lovely time.
I got a phone call from my friend who is there in Kuaui. She called my at 1 o clock this afternoon. They are staying for a week. They are at Poinpu Diamond resort. They were getting ready to take some tours around the island. I checked to see if you were close but you are northeast of them and probably closer to the air port.
If you see them, she is a short and chubby Guatemalean and he is a tall German. Ha! Ha!
It does look like a nice place to live on a vacation.
Hi Chris! Thanks for visiting. How amazing that you call on me because you recognise the area I live in, having originally come from Flamborough - and then through my blog you go to Cloudia in Hawaii, where you are now on holiday. Isn't blogging marvellous? Do call again.
This looks like such a lovely relaxing vacation-interesting places to see, but the joy of just being leisurely in a comfortable setting.
I'm wondering if Bailey will express delight when you return home--or will he have to be stand-offish for a bit?
We returned this afternoon after just two nights away--my lap has been warmed by a succession of cats--even Teasel, who isn't usually a lap cat has plunked herself down for a brief purring session.
Great cat photos!!!
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