Thursday, September 5, 2013



I've taken a bit of a liberty with this prompt.  "Our Town" is Carlsbad, California.  Being so close to the border of Mexico, Mexican food is a priority.  We love it!

Being on the coast fish of many kinds is always important too.  My favorite is green thresher shark, or just plain old fish 'n' chips done in deep fried batter.

However we are ex-pats from 1960's and one of our favorite places has just moved from downtown Carlsbad,  to just 5 minutes away.  It is called "A Bit O' Britain".  Since they have moved, they have expanded to become a sort of tea shop.  As well as selling many British food products and gifts, they now serve scones and cream, shepherd's pie, pork pies, bangers and mash and my favorite...sausage rolls.

They have only been open at this new location for about 2 months so they are still stocking up. Because they are so popular, they run out very quickly. I took these photos a couple of weeks ago when my sister was visiting.

Ye olde telephone booth is on display.
I think that is me taking the photo, reflected in the window.

 Contemplating choices -- notice the chocolate flakes on display -- and the Marmite. Yummmm!

   Lots of gifts and food stuffs.

 The obligatory pot of tea and china cups no less!

 I loved these teaspoons with the teapot on the end.  I may get a couple of these for Christmas.

Tonight, since Barry had a large lunch, I asked him to pick up a couple of sausage rolls for me to have this evening.  Mmm!  Tasty treat in our Town!
Their website is please click. 

So our taste of  Our Town definitely has a British flavor.

To see other presentations of  A taste of Our Town please click HERE


Terra said...

Ah scones and tea, yummy. I would like to visit that shop and give them some business, it looks ideal.

Reader Wil said...

How lovely and typically English is this place! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your comment on the Mercy Ships. Great to know the brave volunteers who spend their holidays to work there for free. Exce llent work indeed.
Wil, ABCW Team

snafu said...

More British than Britain!

Ingrid said...

It all looks very British, how nice to have that near you !

mrsnesbitt said...

Fish and Chips? Bet they remind you of Bridlington.

Jama said...

I love those tea set, so pretty! You should come to my country- Singapore, you'll find all kind of food here, including Mexican .

Mersad said...

They don't sell Marmite where I live, and would love to taste it. :)The tea set is very pretty. Great contribution to this weeks FMTSO theme!

Mersad Donko Photography

Suburban Girl said...

That is a unique sort of place. I love the old phone booth for the added British effect.

kaybee said...

Happy memories of Bit 'O' Britain...but no Battenberg Cake 😩!

Anonymous said...

Been there many times. Great British food!
Need to go back soon to get some candy and tea. Thanks for reminding me to go back there this week to stock up.

Wanda said...

How delightful. Wonderful pictures.

Chris, I tried to leave a comment on your new Creative Tuesday post.

It's absolutely darling, and hilarious. You just outdid yourself on this one.

Not sure why you can't leave a comment.

sandy said...

those sausage rolls look so good!! Enjoyed all the photos of your shoot out in town.

Pauline said...

Imagine Marmite turning up in your home town! I remember how surprised I was when I found it in a store in Canada. Love your shop and the telephone booth to add to the authenticity!