This fellow has visited the last two days. He is 'way too shy , so I don't think I'll ever get a photo of him -- unless I'm on the patio in the summer and he visits the waterfall. So I took this picture out of a book Barry bought me just before he went away, "Birds of San Diego". I did take a couple of photos through the window but nobody but me would know what it was. It seems he likes the suet hanger. As does the scrub jay who is now a regular visitor.
It's going to rain! It was a beautiful morning and then I saw dark clouds on the horizon. So I just ran down to the pharmacy and posted a letter. Twenty minutes later the clouds were overhead and the wind had picked up. In fact it is now raining as I speak,(write).
So it's by the fire-place for me -- drawing, reading or watching TV .

Oh puhleese turn that TV off! I can't bear to look!

The Cat's Whiskers!
Great lazy day pictures...I've had a bad head cold for a couple days, so I've been napping like your cats...feel better today!
Love and Hugs
Very good post, with the photographs from cats, the birds from the book, also and the comment.
Have you heard that birds song? They look like they would make good singers. Love the catatude look on the cats face.
I would love to see the whole quilt
I think you did a beautiful job of reproducing the border.
Nice drawing a cute pics. Seems the cat knew what to do on a lazy rainy day. Is this your main blog?
I just LOVE Bailey's expression of disgust!
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