Yorkshire people are proud of their independence and of being exactly what they are, not trying to put on any airs and graces. They don't have much time for people who pretend to be better than others. One of the lessons I learned while living at Flamborough was to be 'genuine'. A good Christian virtue is not to be hypocritical. Yorkshire people are realistic and often blunt to a fault, but you always know where you stand with them.
I wonder what the little fisher girl is thinking as she glances back at the fancy lady!
I wonder what the little fisher girl is thinking as she glances back at the fancy lady!

This is so rich in feeling and color.
You have done a great job!! What's she thinking...mmmm, you've walked that pier, what do you think?
I love this Chris! They're beautiful. Hopefully someday you'll be able to walk those streets again... on a visit.
Lovely, Chris!
You've captured the moment SO well!
Very nice postcard and your drawing is very beautiful. The woman with ombrella is so pretty that the little fisher girl does not refrain from to look at her.
thanks for keeping up and commenting on our blog!!!!
The fisher girl is wondering why in the world anyone would carry a RED umbrella with a WHITE dress. The RED unbrella would be so much nicer with the fisher girl's RED dress. Oh well, some people have no fashion sense.
Chris, I like this one a lot. The girl is probably thinking how lucky she is to be who she is.
We were walking down the same prom only a couple of weeks ago! Yes, we are indeed proud to be honest! You'll enjoy my ABC post...it's our village church! Dxx
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