I'm still here, and so's Moth, Bailey and Henrietta-- as well as the furry vacuum cleaners. I have had some major projects pending and they, and a few more, have all decided (out of my control) that they must be done this week. My Bible Study on Hosea starts this week. Much preparation needed for that; my quarterly article for my home town newspaper was requested ASAP; I was asked to do a fairly large proof reading job for the church; I'm substituting in the church office on Friday; our computer must have back up installed to a separate hard drive; I have already spent five hours working on Moth's lap top computer which has Windows Vista -- 'nuff said!!! -- and my note book has to have special hardware installed to enable a flash drive! Since I am not a computer whiz, nor do I have the money to farm out the computer stuff, these last three projects are enough to drown me without the others.
So I promise I will be around to see you all very soon. I miss all the photos and fun.

Your writing in this post made me smile. I enjoyed my visit this morning.
Patty and I will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on July 12th. Think of it as a long-term relationship.
I have invited bloggers to offer suggestions on a gift for me to give Patty and the list would not be complete without your ideas.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Chris, Hosea. I performed in the Salvation Army musical as a teenager. I played Ada the cleaner! Click on the link to hear some of the songs. I've got secrets' was my solo! LOL. Also, click on Mini Musical and listen to How much More. Awesome. It was a wonderful musical.
Chris, take your time, we are not going anywhere. Sounds great, so many projects to fulfill.
Good Luck! I miss your posts.
you sure have a lot to do!!! :)
Wow!!! and I thought a two year old was exhausting!
Miss you but patiently wait !!!
Busy, busy little bee.....
One of the best Bible based novel I ever read with about Hosea. It was a Francine Rivers, called Reedeming Love.
Is this Bible Study in your church?
Hey girlfriend ~~~~~ are you still treading water ??
Just stop by to say Hi and had you on my mind.
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