Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quite Simply Flamborough...Spring and Summer

My home town newspaper that serves Flamborough, UK., the village in which I grew up, puts out this little magazine, quarterly. It is called Quite Simply... Flamborough. They were kind enough to ask me to write a small article for them last fall, because my other blog, "Homesick for Flamborough" is hosted by them. They had read some of my pieces and also asked me for information about the fires we had around here. They must have liked what I wrote because they asked me to contribute to each quarter from thereon. I have just received the spring and summer issues and thought I would post them here, so you can see a little of what my life was like all those years ago (sixty odd years ago). (They forgot to send me a copy of the spring issue, so you get both of them at once).

Another nice thing is that they also included a part of two of my Flamborough posts on the same page as each article, so I actually have two pieces in each issue.

To be able to read them properly you need to click twice on the photo and it will open up to a larger size. Hope it is not too blurry to read.

It is so nice to have these 'home' connections. I still know a number of people in the village. Unlike many places, it really hasn't changed much over the years. But I think it will be quite a few years before I visit there again. Maybe for my 75th???!!!

If you would like to visit my "Homesick for Flamborough" blog, click here www.flamboroughtoday.co.uk then click on BLOGSPOT listed on the left hand side of that page.


Anonymous said...

How nice to still know people where you grew up! Hope you can get back there - BEFORE your 75th!!

Wanda said...

Been gone for a few days... I can see I have missed a lot.

You look nice in print!! What nice articles.


kaybee said...

I'm sure today's Flamborians are having a wonderful time reading about your memories.

But may I make an ammendment to the last line of the second article?

"...where her husband, more recently known as MOTH, first confessed he loved her"

Sorry, couldn't resist! They are lovely articles, Chris. I'm proud of you!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

You've had such an interesting life!

Jose said...

That is just too awesome, to have your articles published like that. I think I'm luckier than the magazine readers as I get your posts daily and not quarterly.

Jose said...

Oh, by the way. Sorry to see your cat bit you. That looked inocent on the first picture but not on the following. I hope the antibiotics don't get you sick.

ChrisJ said...

Jose: How do you get to see my photos before I actually post it ??? I know when I'm checking it for mistakes, I post it momentarily. But I haven't actually formally posted that one until tonight. Is it because we are blogging at the same time? It's weird!Deja Vu!!