B is for Berries...
... and Barry

...and Bailey
...and Boat
Our 28 foot Newport [Correction: this is our 25 foot Catalina, the boat before the Newport] which we used fully and completely every summer to take vacations to Catalina and to spend long summer days with the boys down at the harbor. Our main purpose for this boat was to keep our boys within sight and away from the beach culture which sadly in the 80's was a drug culture. It was of course named FLAMBOROUGH. I had to think long and hard about us having a boat as I cannot swim and hated being in the water. But I learned to love being ON the water. It was well worth the investment (bought with sales from my first two books) and fulfilled its purpose as well as Barry's childhood dream of owning a boat.
B IS FOR BELIEVE. We believe in so many things that are incomprehensible, I wonder why it is so hard for some to believe in God. I heard a Harvard professor say the other day, "I don't believe in God." And I would say in response, "I do believe in God" So where does that leave us? Neither of us can prove our beliefs. "People generally believe the more tolerant you are, the more intellectual you are, the more civilized you are." (quoted from Chris Kahn). But how fair-minded and tolerant is that? It labels believers as ignorant and simple minded. It ignores the fact that there are many highly educated and intellectual people who are believers. I don't mind others not believing as I do, but I do mind people who don't know me labeling me, just because I profess to be an evangelical.
Oh Chris ~~ What a great array of "B's" ~~ You have just outdone yourself.... what a wonderful bunch of B's in your life!!
I think this ABC Wednesday is a lot of fun....
I agree with Wanda, Your array of B's is great! I like the ABC Wednesday.
I agree with you about "believing." There is that point beyond which we cannot "prove" and we choose to believe [have faith?]--but those who scoff don't have all the answers either.
Your males of the house, Barry and Bailey, look very content together!
I must admit that you Barry Beats my Berry! :-)
Give him all the Best form Bergen :-)
Wow Chris ! What a great post for B!
Don't forget -- one more B...
Great post Chris!
Looks as though you have the B's all pretty well covered.
As to where I find the stuff I post, most are e-mails from family and friends. Thanks for your visit.
Thanks for your visit and comments. I like your boat. And I also like how you got it. Neat story.
Good post! Love your observation about secular tolerance and how intolerant it actually is. Love your boat, btw!
Love the Barry-berries.
People inevitably categorize each other, for good and for ill, it seems.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you. I should note that you had a typo in the Linky, an @ between flamblogger and blogspot, but I found you anyway. – Ramblin’ with Roger
Thanks for the heads up about the error, Roger and thanks for visiting.
Sorry for the bad google translating of my posts.
My english is not very good either.
I have a lot of readers and no time to translate my own language every morning.
The purpose of the buying the boat just serve right.
I do too believe in God if as others say "there is no God" what do I lose? But if there is God they have so many things to lose ^_^.
I am also branded because I do believe but what the heck, I don't care and I don't mind ^_^
ABC: Bean
Love the (sail)boat! My hubby would be jealous. Badly wants one! I also really liked your B word, Believe, and the commentary. :-)
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